We have designed an built a fantastic theme which will work well for pretty much any business but because it has such great image control it’s specifically good for creatives – the theme is called Chameleon.
You can view a demo of it here
As you can see – this is a full featured theme which you can use to build a professional website.
We will refer to the demo often during the module so bookmark or open it in a tab in your browser.
We are going to break up the website build into the following sections:
- Planning your website and preparing your content
- Installing the theme
- Basic WordPress settings
- The theme settings
- Assign a page to be the home page & the blog overview page
- Using the page builder for:
– Page Headings
– Slideshows
– Promo Boxes
– Feature Text
– Testimonials
– Parallax
– Content Feeds
– Galleries
– Call to Action Panel - Create a home page
- The standard WordPress Text Area
- How to add a blog post and set up categories
- Using widgets
- Use the customizer to set your website styles
- Organizing your menus with custom menus
- About shortcodes & Chameleon shortcode types
- How to use shortcodes
- Projects
- Creating a parent page
- Adding a plugin and a contact form